
Men's Sportswear Shoes


Sprinting for medals, hitting the gym or showing-off your style. Whatever your ambitions, shop adidas men's sportswear shoes for sneakers that keep up with you.

adidas Men's Sportswear Shoes

No matter your sport, no matter your style, adidas has the shoe for you. Our men's sportswear shoes are designed for comfort and style, so you can look and feel your best, whether you're on the court, on the field or just out for a run. They'll provide the support and stability to tackle anything that comes your way and to always be at your very best. From sneakers and kicks to tennis shoes and slides, we have everything you need to take your performance to the next level. When you're not training to be your best, you can kick back and relax in them too. adidas slides are the perfect companion to relax in and then slip on and go. The slide-in style makes them practical and incredibly convenient — just slide them on and you're off!

Choose sport-specific shoes to get performance benefits tailored to your needs, or go for a do-it-all shoe like the adidas Ultraboost for everyday comfort you can wear to the gym, to school, out with friends and on all your daily adventures. adidas Boost is our front-runner in underfoot cushioning, fusing innovation with modern styles to create a midsole that keeps you feeling light on your feet all day. When you want to take them out on the roads, the cushioning is designed to expand your range with propulsion in every step. And with our wide range of sizes and widths in our men's sportswear footwear, you're sure to find the perfect fit. So lace up and get out there. Perform at your best. Explore the world on two feet like never before in adidas men's sportswear shoes.